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Comprehensive service, commitment and responsibility.


We are a business group made up of Melyak International, Melyakargo and Melyak International Services , which provides quality and security in the exercise of comprehensive foreign trade logistics operations at a national and international level; seeking the satisfaction of our clients through our corporate values and human talent, generating optimal levels of profitability and sustainable growth.
Our project for 2023 is to be recognized at the national level as an INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS OPERATOR focused on the satisfaction of our customers, complying with safety and quality standards in the provision of our services.



En Melyak International S.A.S, Melyakargo Ltda y Melyak International Services S.AS, estamos orgullosos de contar con un equipo comprometido, eficiente y altamente calificado, organizado de manera estratégica para brindar siempre el mejor servicio a nuestros clientes. Nuestro organigrama refleja nuestra estructura funcional y la colaboración entre los diferentes departamentos, garantizando la coordinación integral de la cadena de suministro y la excelencia operativa en todas las gestiones.


1. Respect
Consideration and deference to the opinion of others.
2. Integrity
Quality of uprightness and probity.
3. Proactivity
An attitude that actively takes control and decides what to do at all times, anticipating events.
4. Teamwork
Integrated effort to carry out a project, through internal and external communication, support and camaraderie.
5. Responsibility
Full compliance with the obligations, with quality, discipline, punctuality and control of the quality of the information.
6. Comprehensive service
Complete provision and fulfillment of the service, with agility in the processes, commitment, ethics, clarity in the information, without generating extra costs.
7. Good attitude
Management of tolerance, proper management of non-verbal language (gestures) and psychological disposition to the internal and external client.

Are you looking for a strategic partner for your business?


Melyak International

Operador Logístico Internacional
PBX: 601 492 6666 - 3015339690 

Zona franca Bogotá - Colombia
Av Calle 13 No.108A -85
Manzanaz 24 Bodega 144

C.P: 110921

Nuestros Servicios

Acerca de nosotros

Tasas de cambio

  • Quiénes somos

  • Política de calidad

  • Misión, visión y valores

  • Nuestras Instalaciones

  • Contacto

  • TRM

  • Tasas de cambio para países vecinos

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